101 Reasons Why It's Great To Be A Woman

Women of the world unite! It’s not hard, all you have to do is to get at men. It’s our raison d’etre: that, and pulling the poor specimens (which, let’s face it, is pitifully easy).
As modern women we can have it all – great job, girly lippy, power suit, fluffy mules, sensitive new New Man, booze-fuelled nights out with the girls – and, armed with a copy of this book, you can justify it, if anyone (a man) counters you. So, get on your menstrual cycle and pedal away, it’s on to some serious female bonding.
We’re going to celebrate all the reasons why it’s great to be a girl.

Download the free Ebook here.


Anonymous { October 29, 2010 at 8:18 AM }
Wah keren nh ebooknya.Semoga membantu para wanita yg ingin berubah menjadi wanita yg besar.=D
BTW, udah bergabung dengan program publisher dari http://negeriads.com? Kalau belum,boleh dicoba bergabung. Gratis. Sudah ada 10.000+ publisher yang bergabung, lho. Daftar tanpa biaya, dan selalu dibayar tepat waktu. Silakan dicoba aja.Keteranganlengkap ada di websitenya, :)
DJALLILUS { April 3, 2011 at 9:35 AM }
broken link, fix it plz

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